
Communicating with your prospective customers is extremely important.

Click here to see an infomative video about the Scheduling section and how it works.Advertising letters and templates bring in qualified leads inexpensively and quickly .

A library of customer support letters are ready to use and completely customizable to your business.

Letter Examples:

Pre appointment
Answer any questions
Delay apology
Start - Thank you
Follow up - One week
Follow up - Two week
Follow up - Three week
Follow up - Five week
Follow up - Eight week
Finish - Thank you
Referral - Thank you

Each letter can be modified by the roofing contractor to meet the needs of a specific client or just send them as they are. It is that simple.

I wasn't sure the software could do everything they said it would when I first started using RooferPro. Now I am an evangelist for this online software!

Robert Picknell
Northwest Building Products
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